Thursday, 24 May 2012


     The following is an optional exercise that you can do, if you are brave enough to learn financial education which i called FINANCIAL TIME UP. This questions are to be asked at your dinner party, or over lunch with co-workers, or with friends and family. The reason i say that it is optional is because the following question will bring up different realities about money from the people you ask.

     If you give the person time to fully answer each question you will hear many different realities, reasons, excuses, lies, assumptions and other psychobabble that people have about money and there lives. You may hear such responses as, "what a stupid question." "Who does this guy think he is?" "You can't do that.""That's impossible". "I love my work. I'll never stop working."

     Rather than agreeing or disagreeing with the answers or comments to the questions, simply listen and see if you can more clearly pick up the person's reality about money and he/her financial time up like.

     What i mean by FINANCIAL TIME UP is financial decision, when you make it time up over many financial opinion, whether to choose working for money or money working for you that is what i call a financial time up, recently i place a question article in Soef group wall, asking, between #50,000,000 ($325,000) and 10 rules of financial information knowledge choose one? Many made it a financial time up, 50% say that they have enough financial knowledge, they don't need any other knowledge again so give them the money. About 40% say they don't need the knowledge just give them the money they know what to do. And about 10% say give them the rule, with it they will make more than $325,000 these people have taking a decision a financial time up, and so i ask you, the big money or the rules? Keep the answer for yourself.

     If you have the courage to ask this question and up coming ones to your lovers, friends, or co-workers, I wish you luck. If you do the exercise with other people, I think you will learn a tremendous amount about the power of one's financial time up and reality over their financial condition in life.

                                   13 TIME UP QUESTIONS

     Time up question is financial question to this article that need an answer which you have to keep for your self by writing the answers down in your writing pad.
     1. If you had all the money in the world and never had to word again, what would you do with your free time?
     2. If you (and your spouse if married) stopped working today, what would happen to your life? How long could you survive and still maintain your standard of living and lifestyle?
     3. At what age will you be able to retire if you are not already retired? Would you like to retire earlier? When you retire, will you be making more money than you are today or less?
     4. Would you rather live a life where you  no longer need a paycheck or would you rather live a life where you're always working at or looking for a higher paying job? Would you rather be unemployable or more employable? Which life are you leading today?
     5. Do you want a life where you work hard trying to spend more money because you have too much money or live a life working hard trying to save money? Which life are you leading
     6. Would you rather live a life where you do not have to work hard to earn more or would you rather live a life where you have to work harder to earn more? Which life are you living?
     7. Do you think investing is risky?  Do you think it takes money to make money? Would you like to be able to invest without any money and without much risk for very high returns? If you could invest with someone else money would you?
     8. Who are the six people other than your family that you spend the most time around? What is their attitude towards money? Is it rich, poor, or middle class?  Of those six people, how many would be able to retire young and retire rich? Is it time for you to make new friends?
     9. Would you rather live a life where you work to become rich building or buying assets? Or would you rather live a life working for job security and a steady paycheck? Which live are you living?
     10. If you are offered a billion dollars to quit your job, would you? If a billion dollars is more important than your job, why not go for a billion dollars.....then why? Could you not use the billion dollars to do more good than you are doing now?
     11. If you are ask to choose between #50,000,000 ($325,000) and 10 rules of financial information knowledge which one would you choose?
     12. Do you live a life where you make money regardless if the market goes up or down? Or do you live a life where you live in fear of market crashes and loosing money? Which life do you live? Why?
     13. Regarding the subject of money? If you could do things differently, what could you do differently? If there is something you could do differently, why aren't you doing it? This is my financial time up.

    The reason i suggest this exercise only if you are brave enough is because after the decision, you may wind up without any friends, and need to make new ones.

     If you fin your family, friends, and co-workers are not coming from the right financial time up you want to come from, then go to our group page in facebook or follow us in this site to meet people who are. At least you will have fun discussing the responses you get from this thirteen time up questions. The most important thing is that you will see the different financial time up and different financial world different people come from when it came to the subject of money. As i always say "money is just an idea", "our problem is not money but idea". When you ask these questions, you would fin out many different ideas and different financial time up.

     The most important thing from this exercise is to listen to different thoughts and financial time up, and decide what kind of financial decision or financial time up world you want to see. Reading financial books and attending financial and business seminars allowed me to see many financial time up in business world, and i made my choice which world i want to see. So the choice is up to you. If you ask these questions to your family, friends and co-workers, you will hear their ideas and know their financial time up. After listening to their ideas, then you can begin to better choose the ideas you want and what kind of financial time up life you want to live.

     Comment to us the answer you receive from this test. In our discussion group in facebook share the more humorous, cynical, entertaining, or surprising responses you get from these questions. In these organization you may meet your future business partners and go on to becoming richer than your friends or maybe even richer than the well known rich people now. You may even trough this group change the financial time up of your friends, family and co-workers. Beloved! see you at the top.

Our Government is taking us back
to slavery in the name of school
and job security, we're becoming
modern slaves in search for
solution to poverty, more than
10,000 workers (employees/
modern slaves) have been fired
out of office in 2years in Nigeria,
over 30million university
graduates unemployed and over
300,000 students graduate each
year in Nigeria. What do we do?
Where is the job? To know more
of the interesting solution to this
problems on THE MAKING OF A SLAVES (PART 1) click this link >>>