Friday, 5 October 2012


     Are you one of the millions or billionaires today who keep working harder and harder yet receive less and less, and even more less in return for your effort? Have you ever ask where does that money seem to go? And, even more frightening, where do all your time, effort and energy go? After good and great 21years in school with awesome certificate, Yet you don’t receive up to 1% of your effort, many times you sacrifice your family to pleas the organization you work for, the rich and our government has in the name of certificate and scholastic education turn you to legal modern slave. Many today are waking up to the realization that they have somehow gotten old, and their lives so far have only been about striving with nothing to show for all the years of work. Robert T. Kiyosaki called it unfair advantage, and I called it righteous evil. I wrote this article for your road map to entrepreneurship and to your financial and career freedom, after reading this, the inner man’s eyes in you will be open to take hold of your Gods given financial freedom. Watch out for my nest article on YOUR ROAD MAP TO FINANCIAL FREEDOM.
     When it comes to life career, many thought that choosing going to school and graduating with a good result for acquiring high paying job employment salary is the best.
     Our school system has made us to believe that modern financial slavery is the best of income than financial freedom
     More than 60% of the worlds today are financial legal slaves in the name of scholastic education and in search for solution to poverty, many chose the wrong and slavery financial income
      In my previous article titled “FINANCIAL TIME UP”, I wrote that our Government is taking us back to slavery due to school and job security, we are becoming modern legal slaves in search for solution and freedom to poverty, thousands of employees in Nigeria have been fired out of office in two years, over 30million University graduates unemployed, and over 200 thousand students graduate each year in Nigeria, what do we do? Where is the job?
      Our school system is teaching us how to manage rich people creative ideas, how to work hard and live below our means, how to work for money, how to work at rich people industries such as, networking industry, entertainment industry,  manufacturing industry, banking industry, transportation industry, oil and gas industry, media industry, rich people school business and, governments ministries etc.
      We were not thought how to make money work for us, how to make money without money, how to work-less, earn more and expand our means, how to become entrepreneurs, set up our own business like the rich networking industry, entertainment industry, manufacturing industry, banking industry, transportation industry, oil and gas industry, media industry, school business, manage employees; how to invest money. Rather we had that it’s too risky, entrepreneurship is too risky and it requires a lot of money. Investment is too risky, I call them FINANCIAL ILLITERATES, (watch out for my article on FINANCIAL ILLITERACY ) In other works, they can’t give what they don’t have; they can only give what they have, what they were thought in their school days (FINANCIAL AND CAREER GENERATIONAL CIRCLE) feeding us with ancient ideas, forgotten that we’re in information age which is called computer age or the age of technology, in which you can become a millionaire/billionaire right in your bedroom trough your creative ideas.
     The best way to solve this problem of legal slavery financial generational Cecile is to change our thoughts towards life career, to start thinking like entrepreneurs rather than employees and self-employ middle-class people. That means losing the entitlement mentality whether you are a banker, government worker, schoolteacher etc, employee or just poor. If we do not stop expecting the government and private sectors to take care of us, we will continue to have the same results, a nation filled with wealth, great mineral resources and well educated people yet a bankrupt nation, financially needy people and legal slavery employees. Albert Einstein defined insanity as "doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results." in this case, it is my opinion that it is insanity to keep sending kids to school and not teaching them about money and entrepreneurship like we were not thought too.
     I do tell people that school drop out millionaires and billionaires in the world today, drop out of school just because they discovered in the street what they went to school to look for. Am not against schooling, but am against legal financial career slavery generational circle in the world today, we’re becoming financial prey in Lion’s mouth
     I've known about the 90/10 ratio for a long time. Pretty soon, if we don't start paying attention to entrepreneurship, it could reach the 95/05 ratio or even 99/01 with 1 percent of the people owning 99 percent of the world wealth.
      The best I have discovered as a solution to this problem is, going to school and becoming your own boss as an entrepreneur. In this case, you will enjoy your time, and the best of them all is, you will be determining what you are doing. Let’s look at

There are 14 benefit of becoming an entrepreneur and 14 unfair advantage of being an employee

                  BENEFIT                                    ADVANTAGE             
1. Doing what you want.              1.  Doing what your organization wants
2. Independence and freedom.        2. Hard working, yet: Dependence
3. Balancing your life.                     3. Balancing the organization
4. Recognition.                               4. Organization recognition
5. Self fulfillment.                            5. Organization fulfillment
6. Income potential.                        6. Organization income potential
7. Live up to your life standard,       7. Living by the organization life standard
    not someone else’s.
8. Making your ideas become          8.  Realizing the organization ideas
9. Business becomes freedom.        9.  You become slave
10. Nobody can fire you.                10. You can be fired anytime
11. Determining what you do.          11. Organization determining what you do
12. The excitement,                         12. The frustration, stress and slavery
      fun and enthusiastic                             
13. Unlimited possibilities                13. Limited possibilities
14. Unlimited opportunities              14.Limited opportunity


Friday, 6 July 2012


     Medicine according to oxford English dictionary is defined as substance taken to prevent and treat disease, if one is sick and refuse to take medicine the sickness is bond to continue greatly, until you take the medicine no cure is guaranteed, but even as that you most know what is wrong with you so as to take the right medicine, there is no way you can do that until you visit a chemist or doctor and tell him what is actually wrong with you (that the symptoms). When you get the clew of your disorder or cause of your disorder the next thing is prescription of the type of medicine that your suppose to take to treat the sickness, some people it will require injection and drug while some only the medicine, that means the more the sickness the more the weeks or months to take your medication.

     One thing is certain no medicine taste sweet even the locally made once seems as the most bitter once, but even as that you must take the medicine or your sickness will continue which if care is not taking (which is obeying the instruction by taken the medicine) might lead to death. So until the medicine is trusted, accepted, taken and applied there will be no result. Result which is recovery is assured when the instructions are obeyed. People can pity and feel for you when you are sick but no one can kill him self for you to live let alone when you refuse to help yourself. So don’t let the devil put you in a tight Conner before you help yourself, why did I say this some people watch what the eat and rest very well, to avoid body disorder while some are very conscious of there health and body system that there are some signs that there body will display and the will de worm or treat themselves to prevent the sickness from maturing into a big one that can keep them at the hospital for days or weeks as the case may be. It is a substance taken to prevent and treat disease, that means actually you can prevent it before it kick start.

     In the same vein let’s look at another key word we are using in synonymous with medicine in this article as both observe and almost obey the same principle or do the same work.

                 INFORMATION / KNOWLEDGE

     Information on its own is defined as facts or knowledge provided or learned while knowledge is defined as information or awareness gained through experience or education. it is said lack of information is deformation, when one is not informed he do things that consistently put him into problem, it is only when you have the knowledge of some thing you cannot unknowingly fall in side the trap.  Just as in the case of medicine some can prevent theirs while some treat the sickness when it must have hold them down.  When you’re aware of some certain environment or area that is very bad you can never danger your life getting an apartment that axis. While some lived in that axis, it became bad (experienced it) and the have to live. But which ever way information made each and everyone of the to  make a move, so until your informed you remained deformed and in trouble. The first step toward getting information or having knowledge starts with awareness, you most be aware of the need and benefit of the change you want to adopt, before you fall into another bigger problem. Just like a person who is moving out from a bad area, the first  thing he consider before paying or moving to a new place is the security standard of the axis he is moving into and the security measures put in place in his new apartment, you see he is now security conscious based on his experience. In order to prevent further lost that alone prompted him to investigate from people living around that area what their experience is like. So you most first know what you want that is the kind of area your having problem so as to consult or look after the best mentor, books that can grant you asses to the information you need, don’t be unstable it will lead you to no were and no achievement, when your aware of the kind of information you want, you get the right books or approach the right person that can give you the needed solution (mentorship). ok lets look at mentorship for better productivity, is never easy. When  he your mentor asses you and know the dept of your emptiness that alone will ascertain weather you will be mentored daily for 3 months or twice a week for 6 month which ever way, is tired to your level of problem,  no mentorship is easy and funny because you will be scrutinized well, so that the real best of you can start existing, what made it  not to sound funny enough and easy? some may ask, because some one now control you, that is direct you on so many things, your time, money, behavior, approach system to issues of life, and basically all about you that has not been in existence, which he is now working on to reforming you into a better personality, so until the teachings are accepted,trusted, taken and applied result which takes you out from problems and failure is not permitted to be seen, mind you it take result to cancel insult. People cannot agree to work with you until the see reasons to follow you, so learn all the way and get the required knowledge, be educated for it is the only thing that projects a man to the top than ignorance which denounce and stagnant him.

     Information is the only thing that gives a man edge among his pears. the world celebrate only the elect, people are not interested in what made you to fail, or what prevented you from getting the needed knowledge because excuses are good reason for bad result. Yes, failure plus excuse is not equal to success. Why complain and keep blaming someone who is busy trying a way to better his own life. That you fail does not mean you’re a failure but your ability not to try something new made you a failure, blame someone for pushing you down but blame yourself for not getting up to continued. Know it today that the future you did not permit will not come to you. Strive to get information, acquire  the right knowledge that will consistently keep you productive, don’t let the devil put you in a tight Conner before you help yourself. Even if is not for your sake, ok do it for the generation your about or you have brought out on earth, (your children) give them a better place, better life than you enjoy. One of the attributes of a good teacher is productive students he has been able to produce. Parents and parents to be, learn to take care of your children, train up a child in the way he should grow so that when he old he will not depart from it. So if you miss informed your child the result will appear when you’re old.

     Information is key to your success that means you’re the one that can unlock your success, a saying goes like this, when a man wakes up is his morning, it take more to stay informed than to win, if your not informed how can you win so get the primary problem here solved, just as in football until you maintain your form and formation your cannot be a steady winner, so obey the principle that naturally unlock the door of your success and grant you the needed result.remember Refuse principle regain confusion, I love to seeing you change, see you at the top.

Tuesday, 3 July 2012


     Once when Henry Ford was having lunch with a man, he asked, "who is your best friend?" when the man responded that he wasn't sure, Ford exclaimed, "i will tell you!" He took out a pencil and wrote his answer on the tablecloth: "Your best friend is he who bring out the best that is within you."

     That is what best friends do for each other, they bring out their best. Often their best is brought out by encouragement, but sometimes the best thing they do for their friends is to tell them the truth. I call these kinds of friends the DREAM MAKERS.

     In my life i have met so many dream makers, somebody like Simplicity Ezeh the director and Co-Founder of SOEF and also a photo and video studio consultant, is a great dream maker i have ever met, who never say no to my ideas even if it may not work, he will amend it. Pastor Solomon Uzoamaka is the first dream maker i met during my searching time for success, he told me great things i never know about myself, one of the days he called me and said, Oscar you're like a couk Gun waiting to be touch in the trigger, in 2010 he told me and Simplicity to never quite until we win.  Not everybody is willing to do that, because they don't want to risk the relationship, or they really don't care enough to make the effort.

     Undoubtedly, you already have friends, so you know how to develop friendships. But developing or meeting a dream maker often be different, and i want to suggest a specific way that you should approach dream maker friends. Make it a goal to be a dream maker not just to find a friend. When most people approach friendships, they look for people who will reciprocate their efforts at relationship building, and if they don't sense any kind of mutual effort from the second party, they abandon their efforts of dream making individual and move on to a different thing. If you want to achieve a great success in any walks of life, you need to keep working at being a dream making friend, even with people who don't initially put any effort into being a dream making friend back.

     Zig Ziglar said in his book SECRET OF CLOSING THE SELL If you can dream it, then you can achieve it. You will get all you want in life if you help enough other people get what they want. When i started working with Foks Investment LTD i help the organization to achieve many of their want trough me, and today they help me to achieve what i want trough them.

     If you are not willing to become other people dream makes, then, they will not be willing to be your dream maker.
     When i came in contact with Christian Chinwike the founder of Empowerment Church Religious Organization, and the manager at Ngene and Ngene Group Int'l LTD, also a bord member of SOEF when i met Christian i know he is a great dream makes and he has what it takes to take SOEF to another level, so i embrace him. Franklin Benedict the founder of Young Money Crew and an under graduate. Onowu Suniesta the general manager of Neonet System Vintures when i met Suniesta i discovered that where he is now, working unders somebody, is not where he is going to be next five years, i saw entrepreneurship in him. Pastor Sunday Ezeh an understanding friend. I thought of being their dream maker as a motivational speaker and a dream maker hunter, but i discovered that they are accommodating same great potentials and virtues of high moral standards that am in need of, so they became my dream maker and we walk together.

     Richard Exley once said: A true friend is one who hears and understand when you share your deepest feelings. He supports you when you are struggling; he corrects you, gently and with love, when you err; and he forgives you when you fail. A true friend prods you to personal growth, stretches you to your full potential. And most amazing of all, he celebrates your success as if they were his own. I saw this great quality right when i met Treasure C. Oguadimma a true love of life. Princess E. Alaka power of encouragement and understanding in her. Ijeoma Eronini spirit of motivation and relationship.  A friend like these are your dream makes.

     There is an old saying that goes like this, a friend in need is a friend indeed in other word a friend indeed is a dream maker friend who brings out the best that are in you. That entire process begins with communication, communicating with people all around you.

     Most people want to be left alone, they are not in need of any communication with anybody around them, if they do desire to interact with others, it's often to jockey for position or to get others to listen to what they have to say. How rare it is when this kind of people go out of their way make it a point to listen to others or search for a dream maker.

     Ralph Nichols said. "the most basic of all human needs is the need to understand and be understood. The best way to understand people is to listen to them." Mostly dream makers, i found this particular quality in Simplicity Ezeh the director of SOEF somebody who understands as if you're talking to "God".

     If you become a consistently good listener to your dream makers friends, they will want to spend time with you. They will begin to seek you out. And if they develop a rapport with you, they will probably also begin asking advice from you, you will then becoming their dream maker. "These kind of listening is found in Emmanuel Chukwu a photo and video studio consultant in Owerri, He is a friend who always want to listen, learn and keep growing in knowledge", That is the starting point for influence and rapport with them.

     Frank A. Clark said, "To enjoy a friend, (dream maker)  you need more in common with him than hating the same people," Unfortunately, for many people who meet friend, has no positive thing in mind to gen from them, meeting people is what thy seems to have in common. So what's the solution if you don't seem to share common ground with people you're meeting. Try to discover what you have in common outside of your comfort zone.

     If you sees every body as a dream maker and a potential friend, and look for a connection inside and outside of your zone, you have a great chance of finding  common ground of relationship with the person. And that is where dream making friends are build. I have met many dream makers in my life, people that i will not have time to write their names. watch-out for my next edition on dream making.

Thursday, 24 May 2012


     The following is an optional exercise that you can do, if you are brave enough to learn financial education which i called FINANCIAL TIME UP. This questions are to be asked at your dinner party, or over lunch with co-workers, or with friends and family. The reason i say that it is optional is because the following question will bring up different realities about money from the people you ask.

     If you give the person time to fully answer each question you will hear many different realities, reasons, excuses, lies, assumptions and other psychobabble that people have about money and there lives. You may hear such responses as, "what a stupid question." "Who does this guy think he is?" "You can't do that.""That's impossible". "I love my work. I'll never stop working."

     Rather than agreeing or disagreeing with the answers or comments to the questions, simply listen and see if you can more clearly pick up the person's reality about money and he/her financial time up like.

     What i mean by FINANCIAL TIME UP is financial decision, when you make it time up over many financial opinion, whether to choose working for money or money working for you that is what i call a financial time up, recently i place a question article in Soef group wall, asking, between #50,000,000 ($325,000) and 10 rules of financial information knowledge choose one? Many made it a financial time up, 50% say that they have enough financial knowledge, they don't need any other knowledge again so give them the money. About 40% say they don't need the knowledge just give them the money they know what to do. And about 10% say give them the rule, with it they will make more than $325,000 these people have taking a decision a financial time up, and so i ask you, the big money or the rules? Keep the answer for yourself.

     If you have the courage to ask this question and up coming ones to your lovers, friends, or co-workers, I wish you luck. If you do the exercise with other people, I think you will learn a tremendous amount about the power of one's financial time up and reality over their financial condition in life.

                                   13 TIME UP QUESTIONS

     Time up question is financial question to this article that need an answer which you have to keep for your self by writing the answers down in your writing pad.
     1. If you had all the money in the world and never had to word again, what would you do with your free time?
     2. If you (and your spouse if married) stopped working today, what would happen to your life? How long could you survive and still maintain your standard of living and lifestyle?
     3. At what age will you be able to retire if you are not already retired? Would you like to retire earlier? When you retire, will you be making more money than you are today or less?
     4. Would you rather live a life where you  no longer need a paycheck or would you rather live a life where you're always working at or looking for a higher paying job? Would you rather be unemployable or more employable? Which life are you leading today?
     5. Do you want a life where you work hard trying to spend more money because you have too much money or live a life working hard trying to save money? Which life are you leading
     6. Would you rather live a life where you do not have to work hard to earn more or would you rather live a life where you have to work harder to earn more? Which life are you living?
     7. Do you think investing is risky?  Do you think it takes money to make money? Would you like to be able to invest without any money and without much risk for very high returns? If you could invest with someone else money would you?
     8. Who are the six people other than your family that you spend the most time around? What is their attitude towards money? Is it rich, poor, or middle class?  Of those six people, how many would be able to retire young and retire rich? Is it time for you to make new friends?
     9. Would you rather live a life where you work to become rich building or buying assets? Or would you rather live a life working for job security and a steady paycheck? Which live are you living?
     10. If you are offered a billion dollars to quit your job, would you? If a billion dollars is more important than your job, why not go for a billion dollars.....then why? Could you not use the billion dollars to do more good than you are doing now?
     11. If you are ask to choose between #50,000,000 ($325,000) and 10 rules of financial information knowledge which one would you choose?
     12. Do you live a life where you make money regardless if the market goes up or down? Or do you live a life where you live in fear of market crashes and loosing money? Which life do you live? Why?
     13. Regarding the subject of money? If you could do things differently, what could you do differently? If there is something you could do differently, why aren't you doing it? This is my financial time up.

    The reason i suggest this exercise only if you are brave enough is because after the decision, you may wind up without any friends, and need to make new ones.

     If you fin your family, friends, and co-workers are not coming from the right financial time up you want to come from, then go to our group page in facebook or follow us in this site to meet people who are. At least you will have fun discussing the responses you get from this thirteen time up questions. The most important thing is that you will see the different financial time up and different financial world different people come from when it came to the subject of money. As i always say "money is just an idea", "our problem is not money but idea". When you ask these questions, you would fin out many different ideas and different financial time up.

     The most important thing from this exercise is to listen to different thoughts and financial time up, and decide what kind of financial decision or financial time up world you want to see. Reading financial books and attending financial and business seminars allowed me to see many financial time up in business world, and i made my choice which world i want to see. So the choice is up to you. If you ask these questions to your family, friends and co-workers, you will hear their ideas and know their financial time up. After listening to their ideas, then you can begin to better choose the ideas you want and what kind of financial time up life you want to live.

     Comment to us the answer you receive from this test. In our discussion group in facebook share the more humorous, cynical, entertaining, or surprising responses you get from these questions. In these organization you may meet your future business partners and go on to becoming richer than your friends or maybe even richer than the well known rich people now. You may even trough this group change the financial time up of your friends, family and co-workers. Beloved! see you at the top.

Our Government is taking us back
to slavery in the name of school
and job security, we're becoming
modern slaves in search for
solution to poverty, more than
10,000 workers (employees/
modern slaves) have been fired
out of office in 2years in Nigeria,
over 30million university
graduates unemployed and over
300,000 students graduate each
year in Nigeria. What do we do?
Where is the job? To know more
of the interesting solution to this
problems on THE MAKING OF A SLAVES (PART 1) click this link >>>


Tuesday, 3 April 2012


    The number one key to becoming rich is your mindset. If you have the right mentality, you become a very powerful individual capable of making millions of dollars. Don't scoff at the notion. Most millionaires weren't all that different from you when they started. In fact, the only big difference is how they think differently than you do. Once your mind is right, you will take action and ultimately you will succeed in becoming rich.

     So what is the right mindset? As you already know the right combination of mental components is rare. In fact, only a fraction of 1% of the population has the millionaire formula. Before I reveal the key characteristics, I want to stress that when I talk about becoming rich, I'm speaking in terms of regular everyday people - not professional athletes, singers, actors or others with extreme talents that landed them millions of dollars. Their riches were made on a very specialized talent which is absolutely fantastic but also rare and most likely not possessed by you or I. Same goes for lottery winners and how rare their luck is. Some are rich heirs who inherit a fortune.

     So now, let's discuss how rich people thinks. One characteristic of a rich person is they play by their own rules. When is the last time you saw a rich person taking orders from someone else? Exactly. You're not going to get rich by thinking within the confines of what someone else tells you to do. People get rich by taking charge and doing what is best for them and not what makes someone else money.

     So first rule is to think independently and break free of the mold. Rich people do what they want to do, when they want to do it. Now don't misunderstand me here. I'm not saying to quit your job and tell your boss to go to hell. I'm also not saying to stop listening to others and educate yourself. There is a difference here. What I'm telling you is the cashier at the store isn't going to get rich by working his way up to manager. Instead of being the cashier, you want to be the store owner. If you're the cashier in your life right now, that's ok. It's a good thing that you're out there earning money, but now you want to build up from your foundation.

     Another traits of rich people is they find a way to get the job done. Do you see successful people making excuses on why things didn't go their way? They don't. It's not that they've never had bad luck or a bad break along the way - they have. But instead of crying a trail of tears about what went wrong or why something didn't happen, they pick themselves up and get right back on track. This kin of mindset of determination is what seperates the rich from the poor. Poor people will find a way to lose and rich people will find a way to win. It is that simple.

     Focus is another integral part of your rich mindset. Don't expect to become rich if you can't keep your eyes on the prize. The process of becoming rich is not easy - especially when you're first getting started. All sorts of obstacles will present themselves and how well you deal with them will determine whether or not you succeed. For example, will getting a city permit slow you down? What about not knowing web design - will this prevent you from building a website? The obstacles will always be there and they will come in all fashions and forms. You have to fight through them if you want to be rich. And this is more than just the obstacles in your plan to get rich. You have to be focused if you go
through all the obstacles and your plan still fails. It happens. Can you pick yourself up again and continue your drive to be rich or will you be stopped?

   You also have to change the way you think in terms of time. Rich people value their time like you wouldn't believe. Poor people don't. You won't find a rich person just
sitting around being bored. They relax. They have down time. But they don't waste or "kill" their time. Time is extremely valuable to rich people so it is very hard for you to get a piece of it. Once you start to put more value on your time, then you have taken a big step in becoming rich. Once you stop thinking like a poor person or average person, you'll find yourself naturally attracted to successful people. You'll discover a
common thread of thinking and start hanging around with them more.

     Poor people grab a seat at the bar, gab about how work sucks, talk about office drama, drink a bunch of beers, and talk sports until the cows come home. Rich people may share some of the same indulgences but it's a far different atmosphere. First, you won't hear them talking about how the boss sucks or talking about useless trivial things about who's dating who.

     Rich people have powerful meetings with friends but they aren't going to last the whole day. Rich people are too important to spend their day in such a concentrated setting with no diversity. These truths allow us to arrive at the conclusion that birds of  feather flock together. Losers usually end up together and so do successful people.

     Think about it: How often do you see a millionaire and a factory worker having lunch together?  didn't just call everyone that isn't rich a loser. I'm merely illustrating  how like minded people will align together so don't misunderstand me. If you're in the rich crowd, you're on the right track to becoming rich.

     An additional mental edge of a rich person is, they're heavy on common sense. You don't have to
be a genius to be rich. Actually, an interesting phenomenon is that many of the richest people aren't brilliant scholars that finished at the top of their class. Rich people tend to fall in line with being more clever savvy. This type of "street smart" thinking helps separate making a lot of money from a little or
losing money. Millionaires are also surprisingly frugal a lot of the time.

     Do you ever stop to wonder about how much money you would save if you didn't buy this or need that? Costs add up and some people become rich by simply living without certain things other people constantly buy such as movies, restaurant food, clothes, etc. The last way rich person thinks differently is how they see risk. Millionaires are not afraid  of risk because they know with greater risks come greater rewards. Regular people want a security blanket. They covet the government jobs with benefits and solid pay. Rich people say that's great, but not for me. Instead of living ok or even comfortably, they want much more even, creating job opportunities, the rich creates job but the poor looks for job, Donald J. Trump

     What did you want out of life? keep the question for yourself. read my article titled, DEFINITION OF SUCCESS

Tuesday, 13 March 2012


     If you're asked to define success what will you say? Probably you will say success is getting what you want. But the Oxford dictionary define success as the accomplishment of an aim or purpose.
     Dictionary definition of success is as a result of the sight of a common and average people. The real definition of success from the sight of the rich and the uncommon people is not written in the dictionary. Sometimes when you succeed by getting what you want you still discover that you want more, what do we call it then? "Bonus of success"?.

     Getting what you want is success; and success is an effect, coming from the application of a cause. In 1900 by Wallace D. Wattles. And John C. Maxwell define it as a "journey". The difference is in the thing the successful people want, but not in the success. Success is essentially the same, whether it results in the attainment of health, wealth, development or position; success is attainment, without regard to the thing attained. And it is a law in nature that like causes always produce like effect. Therefore, since success is the same in all cases, the cause of success must be the same in all cases.

     The cause of success is always in the person who succeeds; you will see that this must be true, because if the cause of success were in nature, outside the person, then all people that are similarly situated would succeed.

     The cause of success is not in the environment of the individual, because if it were, all people within that environment will be successful, and if success will be a matter of neighborhood; and we see that people whose environment are practically the same, and who live in the same neighborhood show us all degrees of success and failure; therefore, we know that the cause of success must be in the individual, and nowhere else.

     It is, therefore, mathematically certain that you can succeed if you will only find out the cause of success, and develop it to sufficient strength, and apply it properly to your work; for the application of a sufficient cause can not fail to produce a given effect, by Wallace D. Wattles. If there is a failure anywhere, of any kind, it is because the cause where either not sufficient or was not properly applied.

     The cause of success is some power within you; you have the power to develop any power to a limitless extent; for there is no end for mental growth; you can increase the strength of this power indefinitely, and so you can make it strong enough to do what you want to do, and to get what you want to get, when it is strong enough you can learn how to apply it to the work, and therefore, you can certainly succeed. All you have to learn is, what is the cause of success?, and how it must be applied.
                     THE FACULTY OF WORK

     The development of the special faculties to be used in your work is essential. We do not expect anyone to succeed as a musician without developing the musical faculty; and it would be absurd to expect a machinist to succeed without developing the mechanical faculty, a pastor to succeed without developing spiritual understanding and the use of words, or a banker to succeed without developing the faculty of finance. And in choosing a business or profession, you should choose the one which will call for the use of your strongest faculties.

     If you have good mechanical ability, and are not spiritually minded and have no command of language, do not try to preach; and if you have the taste, passion and talent on drawing building plans to the core, do not learn typewriting or pharmacy, get into a business which will use your strongest faculties, and develop these faculties all you can.

     Beloved; let's develop the right faculty of our calling for success, note: many will die in poverty today, not because they did not succeed, but because they shift from the track of their calling in the name of "i too know", "i know it all", "never mind", never know that they are in ignorant. Watch out for DEFINITION OF SUCCESS PART2. Thanks and may God bless you and give you understanding of the whole matter.

Wednesday, 1 February 2012


Wouldn't it be amazing if you knew the single easiest way to become successful? No Matter What!"YOU Can Reach Your Goals and Achieve the Unthinkable and be successful, if only you can be able to practice this principles that you will be thought today, this program is tagged keys to successful living: keys are known for two powerful things to lock and unlock; meaning by applying this laws one is prone to experience success, and when ignored one’s success has been lock that he wander and struggles in vain (refuse principle regain confusion).
Chose what you want from life: The real secret to living the life of your dreams is this: learn to live at Peak Performance every day, and you will be unstoppable. You will be absolutely amazed when you discover how much more you can accomplish when you live life without limits, meaning that you have to know what you don’t want and what you want from life, because if you don’t know where you are going to, you don’t know where you will land, know the law that govern what you want and give the law all it requires and no less, learn to limit your option to one thing, many people want to be rich or poor while some other person wants to be rich or more rich, No matter what your situation is, right now you possess the potential to make your wildest dreams a just need to know HOW to achieve them, "The man who gets the most satisfactory results is not always the man with the most brilliant single mind, but rather the man who can best coordinate the brains and talents of his associates." But first your talent, many a times our talent is the ladder which we need to reach our desired success, many a times too many people go about looking for a job while their talent can create job for so many job-seekers, why because our talent is our treasury, look and think beyond what you see yourself accomplish in the past, for to him that is tied for a living, there is hope, if only he can dare to dream positively big. Look at football it has become a big thing that watching it alone gives some one money let alone the player himself. How would you like to be "the one" that leads your company to success? Or would you like to put your career on the fast track and skyrocket your income? Then you just have to define what you want and do all that is necessary to give you a positive result, you get money when you can meet a need.Our society is full of problems and lapses crying for solution, look around you, there are frustrations around, things that you think people need. If there are no barbing saloons around, why don’t you set up one, if there are inadequate supplies of certain materials around you, why don’t you supply those things? THINK and you will discover the business opportunities around you. Ask yourself what societal need can I solve? A positive answer will make you rich or create job for you and others.
Refrain and abstain from un-impactful relationship: It is said that your friends are the reflection of your future; nothing brings transformation than relationship, for you cannot be faster than the company you keep, until you locate, links and connect with well meaningful persons you remain perpetually in the mold. Friends either add idea or take away your goal, they either multiplies you or divided you in to pieces. Your friends are the ones you give your ear time, you spend most times with, and can you be able to write down five of your friends that you usually stay with or listen to and analysis how impactful they have been to you? remember as you stay with them you listen to them and as so, you think over what two of you have discussed, and you know that as a man thinketh in his heart so he is, what you will be will be closely related to what you hear, know it that your ear are the most effective tools for your success, someone once asked me; who get your ear time? Is high time you decide what to do with all this your friends that constantly broke you down, because when you pretend to keep them you pretentiously danger your future, know it that the future you did not permit can’t be with you. Nobody has the right to chose you as friend but you have the ultimate right to chose whom you want to be friend, you better to be more loyal to your future than you are to your past, whatever you have is what you accept, if you don’t do something now you will regret it in future and mind you never blame anyone for bringing out the worst in you because if you don’t have the worst how can someone bring the worst in you, yes you cannot give what you don’t have. So be decisive and go for what you want, instead of finding someone to blame for your mistake, take action now and save your future, remember when you don’t build your future you live to help others to advance in their success while you remain perpetually under them and end up a slave in your own destiny .
Be creative always (using idea to add a plus to your experience)
Einstein once said, “Every child is born a genius.” But the reason why most people do not function at genius levels is because they are not aware of how creative and smart they really are. No idea can thrive until people know about it. For you to sell your idea you have to create a buzz. If people don’t know you exist then how can you sell to them?
But you don’t need to spend thousands of hours to increase your creative-thinking abilities. By practicing a few simple exercises and applications, you can start your creative juices flowing, and you may even amaze yourself at the quality and quantity of good ideas that you come up with.
Let’s start off with the definition of creativity. In my estimation, after years of research on this subject, the very best definition of creativity is, simply, “improvement.” You don’t have to be a rocket scientist or an artist in order to be creative. All you have to do is develop the ability to improve your situation, wherever you are and whatever you are doing. All great fortunes were started with ideas for improving something in some way. In fact, an improvement needs to be only 10 percent new or different to launch you on the way to fame and riches.
Your success in life will be determined largely by the quantity of ideas that you generate. It seems that the quality of ideas is secondary to the quantity and that if you have enough
Ideas, one or more of them will turn out to be prizewinners. Always ask yourself questions on anything you want to do, All improvements begin with questioning. If you are not making progress for any reason, stop and think, and begin asking yourself the hard questions that will stimulate your mind to consider other possibilities. Asking focused questions-hard questions that penetrate to the core of the matter-is the real art of the creative person. The next step is to have the courage to deal with all the possible answers. Once you have come up with a possible solution, ask yourself, “What else could be the solution?” If your current method of operation were completely wrong, what would be your backup plan? What else would you or could you do? What if your current procedure or plan turned out to be a complete failure? Then what would you do? And what would you do after that? All of those questions will force you to think further and come up with better answers. A good question to ask is “What are the three biggest problems that I am facing in my life today?” Write the answer to this question quickly, in less than 30 seconds. When you write the answer to a question in less than 30 seconds, your subconscious mind will sort out all extraneous answers and give you the three most important ones. When you have your three most pressing problems, ask yourself, “What is the worst possible thing that can happen as a result of each of these problems?” Then ask yourself, “What are all the things that I can do, right now, to alleviate each problem?” If you have
a problem that is worrying you for any reason, think about what you could do immediately to begin alleviating that concern. This is a prime use of your creative powers. So a key to success in creative thinking is clarity. Take the time to think through, discuss and ask questions that help you to clarify exactly what you are trying to accomplish and exactly what problems you are facing at the present moment. Just as fuzzy thinking leads to fuzzy answers, clear thinking leads to clear answers. Creativity is one thing everybody on this planet earth need because you cannot stand firm in a competitive market if you are not creative, and creativity works in line with thinking, so the big question here is what do you fix your mind on thinking most times, When you think you solve problem facing you and they once yet to come.
Plan your way to the top: know it that accomplishment without planning induce a lot of stress and take longer time to come, the most intelligent man living cannot succeed in accumulation money or in any other undertaking without plan. even armed robbers plan before engaging in any operation so why will any success desiring person not plan and set standard on how his life will be, the future you did not permit will not come to you, many people are afraid of taking risk but little did the not know that when they don’t plan their life well they have risk their life and may end up in the mould, many have given up on life on the excuses that they have been planning but all mount to failure. But just keep this in your mind and remember when your plans fail that temporary defeat is not permanent failure, it may only mean that your plan has not been sound, build other plans. Start all over again, is better redone than never done. Temporary defeat should only mean only one thing, that there is something wrong with your plan. Millions of people go through life in misery and poverty, because they lack a sound plan through which to accumulate a fortune. Your achievement can be no greater when your plans are not sound. No man is ever whipped, until he quits-in his own mind. If you give up before your goal has been reached, you are a quitter. Quitter never wins and winners never quit, when we think about Thomas A. Edison deeply you will understand that he is a man that never gives up rather he embraces they life of more deep intensive thinking even as he fail 10000 time, I could remember in one instance that his company burnt down, everybody expects him to be crying and even some people thought he would have killed himself rather he said that my failure have burnt down that my success will spring fort. See there is something more to this statement, it take a man that know that is not over with him to make that statement, always remember that it is not over until you win. no great man can say that he have never had set back before, they see it as challenges that wants to bring them down, yes but the take it on the angle that they failed does not mean that they are failure, is only my inability to get up and face challenges that sanctions me a failure. The average person tends to be rigid and fixed in his thinking about getting from where he is to where he wants to go. The creative thinker, however, tends to remain very flexible and open to a variety of ways of approaching the problem. The average person has a tendency to leap to conclusions and determine that there is only one way to achieve a particular goal. The superior thinker, on the other hand, tends to be more patient and willing to consider a variety of options before moving toward a conclusion. Put everything else aside, and concentrate single-mindedly on focusing all your mental powers on solving one single problem, overcoming one particular obstacle or achieving one important goal. The ability to concentrate on a single subject without diversion or distraction is a hallmark of a successful thinker. Between you and any goal that you want to achieve or any problem that you want to solve, there is almost invariably a limiting step or a “choke point” that determines the speed with which you move from where you are to your destination. This limiting step may be another person, a particular obstacle, a specific difficulty, or even a lack of some information or skill. Invariably, there is a particular factor that determines how fast you get there. Your job is plan about it and decides what it is, and then go to work to remove it. When you plan persistently you always have new ideas that make you indispensable in the world of achieving.
Processing your way to success: To the perfect making of any thing in life, it must go through some process, and have this always in your mind. No process is sweet or easy, rather every process is difficult, energy sparing and pain taking, but above all you must endure till the process over, yes before the beauty of anything can emerge, it must go through some measure process, but the problem today is no one want to go through process, everybody wants quick fixes, what that is meant to mature in 2years we want it in 2months. Noting makes a man, a champion like process, hear this God is a God of process not a God of quick fixes, if you really wants Him to bless you, you really must allow him to take you through the necessary process that will bring about your success. For every level of success, there must be a level of process, what most people may see as their difficult time isn’t difficult time but rather processing time, yes they see it as a difficult time, that’s why most people go through it without learning from it, your processing time is your tutorial time but until you see it as your tutorial time you cannot learn from it. Most of the things process can do in your is it gives you an ample opportunity to develop yourself in a particular scope or field, do you know that champion is not made in the ring, but during they processing time, yes the accumulation of the battle you have won and lost is what makes you a champion. The more battle you fight, the more skills you get, the more knowledge you harness, the more wisdom and strength on success you acquire, know it that successful people are people that fail over times but refuse to give up. Failure is a teacher, it makes you stand tall, and most success is birthed from failures. Yes when a baby is delivered less than 9month it is said to be immature, for you to mature over a thing that can make you successful you most complete the process cycle. When you abort your process, you abort your success and future. Be ready to go through your process time because process changes people, process changes a fetus to a baby, process changes crude oil into petroleum, gas, kerosene, so in the same vein process changes you from one success to another, it also brings out your real future and destiny.
Yes so many people want to be rich happy and successful, (because no poor man is successful) if not why do many of us engage themselves in one business or they order, yes everybody want to succeed but how many are willing to pay the price, take calculated risk in order to be finally successful.
Okay let’s see reasons why so many people that are working hard in other to succeed end up not achieving their dream.
Lack of persistence; most of us are good starter’s not good finishers, a persistence fighter, fight with his last blood, and he sees failure as mistake he made that can be corrected.
Negative personality; there is no hope to any man who sees and professes things in a negative form, yes as a man thinketh so he is, when one believes his linage, family or something is wrong with him that always brake him down without standing up to his responsibility, he remains perpetually in a cycle of defeat, sorrow regret and unhappiness.
Lack of definite goal; there is no hope to any man who does not have defined goal of what he wants from life, he is always confused and blame other people for their failure, and one truth about this things is that your mind will always tell you that you are not going any were and in order not to look foolishly most people imitate other people in other to make it, John Mansion once said imitation is limitation.
Not been decisive in life; so many people live there live as a servant to someone else because they didn’t set standard for their life, they believe what others said about them, in most cases is because it have happened like three or four times in their life, in such case they are always have excuses why they never do something at the end, putting the blame on somebody else.
Lack of self discipline; many can’t control themselves in public when the need arise, there by scaring successful people from communicating with them, you need to control all negative qualities before you can control condition, you must first control yourself, that’s why self mastery is very important, yes self mastery is one of the hardest job you will ever tackle, because if you do not conquer self you will be conquered by self.
Procrastinations; this has kept so many in the mould; it comes with weakness always giving you the thought to take action tomorrow, thereby eliminating the spirit of take action now. John Masons said that the only way to stop procrastinations is by eliminating and rejecting all the necessary reason for not taking the immediate action
Stop living on the idea of something for noting (gambling) for no price no success, when you pay the price of sowing a seed, you eat the harvest, there is no such thing in successful living as luck! All successful products are the birth of price worked along with determination.
Fear; it is said that fear is the chisel that carves out your future un-matured, when you don’t risk you risk even they more because you can’t get raw lasting success rather you live on remnant.
Jack of all trade masters of none!
Not investing in your own business!
Taking advice from unwise, inexperienced persons during hard times!
Always been unhappy and inability to eat good food always. Is only a healthy man that can dream and work hard to be successful?
Always be actively connected with your source (God) cut off with God you can achieve noting, so when you neglect to appreciate and connect with God you are bound to fail no matter how hard you fight to succeed. 

Saturday, 28 January 2012


     Have you ever wondered what your true mission in life is? Every one of us is born into this world to serve a specific purpose. Have you ever wondered what you were born into this world to do, be, and accomplish? You were put on this earth to achieve something wonderful with your life. Your goal is to make sure that those wonderful things is achieved, and then throw your whole heart into doing it extremely well. I wrote this special goal setting titled "REALITY GOAL" as a gift to help you achieve your true purpose and lifetime desire, because, "There is no achievement without
 goals." Robert J. McKaine.

     I want to help you discover yourself, your strengths, your desire, your mission and purpose, which is why I put up this powerful article.

     Many people feel as if they're adrift in the world. They work hard, but they don't seem to get anywhere worthwhile. A key reason that they feel this way is that they haven't spent enough time thinking about what they want from life, and haven't set themselves formal goals. After all, goals in writhing are dreams with deadlines by Brian Tracy.

     Would you set out on a major journey with no real idea of your destination? Probably not. Goal setting is a powerful process for thinking about your ideal future, and for motivating yourself to turn your vision of this future into reality. The process of setting goals helps you choose where you want to go in life. By knowing precisely what you want to achieve, weather in education, finance, health, journey, building etc. you know where you have to concentrate your efforts. You'll also quickly spot the distractions that can, so easily, lead you astray.
                                WHY SET GOAL?

Goal setting is used by top-level athletes, successful business-people and achievers in all fields. Setting goals gives you long term vision and short term motivation. It focuses your acquisition of knowledge, and helps you to organize your time and your resources so that you can make the very most of your life. By setting sharp, specific, clearly defined goals, you can measure and take pride in the achievement of those goals, and you'll see forward progress in what might previously have seemed a long pointless grind. You will also raise your self- confidence, as you recognize your own ability and competence in achieving the goals that you've set.
                               PERSONAL GOALS

     You set your goals on a number of levels: First you create your "big picture" a picture is the image of the spirit inspiration, idea etc, in you, of what you want to do, and identify the large-scale goals that you want to achieve. Even if is a lifetime goal, to take the whole world in your palm, "Aim for the top. There is plenty of room there. There are so few at the top it is almost lonely there." by Samuel Insull, all you need is you break it down into the smaller and smaller targets that you must hit to reach your set goals. Once you have your plan, you start working on it to achieve these goals. This is why we start the process of goal setting by looking at your lifetime goals. Then, we work down to the things that you can do in, the next five years, then next year, next month, next week, and today, to start moving towards them.

                               GOALS IMAGE

     Finally let's start the real business, now pick up your writing pad for goal setting. (your book and pen) 1, Write down what u want. What you want is the picture of where you're going, because you can't be on a mission to no where. "Without goals, and plans to reach them, you are like a ship that set sail with no destination." by Fitzhugh Dodson 2, Write down when you want it. That is giving it a specific date, example, today, next week, month or year. 3, Write down what you will do to get it, which is the requirement you need in other to achieve your set goal. 4, Write down five negative characters/attitude that may cause your failure in your set goals, example, procrastination, you can read my article on, "ALIBIS OF A FAILURE". 5, write down why you want it, because in every thing there is a purpose. 6, write down what you will give in return to the society, for he which much is giving, much is also expected, by Jesus Christ. Keep this goal secretly for yourself, read it every morning before you live for work, and every night before you sleep. Until it influence and possess your subconscious mind. Whatever the mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve, by Napoleon Hill, beloved: let's journey for a REALITY GOAL.


     Lying down on my bed and facing the ceiling, meditating of an issue, thinking of a problem, asking my self questions, in which one of them is, CAN'T EVERYBODY BE RICH? Can't there be more rich people than poor people? Can't the population of the rich be more greater than of the poor? Can't the population of the poor be reduce? Can't our government teach entrepreneurship than employment? Can't they teach how to fish, market and sell than giving fish. I see no effect on government poverty alleviation, they should rather teach how to ALLEVIATE (entrepreneurship) than alleviating on the poor.

                                  EFFECT OF POVERTY

According to United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund (UNICEF) 22,000 children die each day due to poverty, and they die quietly in some of the poorest village on Earth.
   The statistics according to Yahoo research showed that only 1% of the world is rich while 80% poor and 19% middle class.

     Almost two in three people lacking access to clean water survive on less than $2 a day, with one in three living on less than $1 a day. More than 660 million people without sanitation live on less than $2 a day, and more than 385 million on less than $1 a day.

     The total of billionaires around the globe reached a high of 946, their combined wealth growing 35
percent to $3.5 trillion. In the whole world there are 8.7 million millionaires, or about 0.13% of the world-wide population. The total number of millionaires in the world grew 6.5%. They possess a total of US$33.3 trillions in financial assets.

                           EVERYBODY OUGHT TO BE RICH

     According to the word of God, the Bible say, that he has giving us the power to create wealth, it said again that though he was rich, yet for our sakes he became poor, that we through his poverty might be rich.
     Everybody has the potential to be rich, by Emeka Ike. Once you begin with the right mindset for riches (watch out for my article on RIGHT MINDSET FOR RICHES), the right words, the right plan, after you have that, then the action steps for riches will be easy (watch out for my article on ACTION STEPS FOR RICHES), the biggest challenge you have is to challenge your own self doubt and your laziness that define and limit who you are. If you want to change what you are, you must take on your self doubt and laziness that keeps you small. It is your self doubt and laziness that deny you the riches and the kind of life you want (read my article on ALIBIS OF A FAILURE)

     Many people has believe that the cause of their not getting rich is because of somebody in their way. There is no one in your way except you and your doubts about getting rich. It is easy to stay the same. It is easy not to change. Most people chooses to stay the same (to be poor) all their lives. If you will take on war against self doubt and your laziness, you will find the door to your richess. (watch out for my article on THE DOOR TO RICHES)

     Many people have allow there past to rob them of getting rich, but there is an adage that say, YOU CANNOT CHANGE YOUR PAST.......BUT YOU CAN CHANGE YOUR OPINION OF YOUR PAST. always moving forward… At least that's what we're taught. Time marches on. Once something happens it has happened, we can't change it. We can't go back and change our past, so the story goes. You can buy Robert Schooler's book on TOUGH TIME NEVER LAST BUT TOUGH PEOPLE DO. Don't allow your part experience to rob you of your future, forget your past and dream for tomorrow by WestLife. Remember, every adversity, every failure, every heartache carries with it the seed of an equivalent advantage, by Napoleon Hill. Dearly beloved, you ought to be rich, let's do the will of God in our life.

     And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth." (Genesis 1:28). Beloved let's cast our net for a fish. And he said unto them, Cast the net on the right side of the ship, and ye shall find. They cast therefore, and now they were not able to draw it for the multitude of fishes." (John 21:6).