The number one key to becoming rich is your mindset. If you have
the right mentality, you become a very powerful individual capable of
making millions of dollars. Don't scoff at the notion. Most millionaires
weren't all that different from you when they started. In fact, the
only big difference is how they think differently than you do. Once your
mind is right, you will take action and ultimately you will succeed in
becoming rich.
So what is the right mindset? As you
already know the right combination of mental components is rare. In
fact, only a fraction of 1% of the population has the millionaire
formula. Before I reveal the key characteristics, I want to stress that
when I talk about becoming rich, I'm speaking in terms of regular
everyday people - not professional athletes, singers, actors or others
with extreme talents that landed them millions of dollars. Their riches
were made on a very specialized talent which is absolutely fantastic but
also rare and most likely not possessed by you or I. Same goes for
lottery winners and how rare their luck is. Some are rich heirs who
inherit a fortune.
So now, let's discuss how rich
people thinks. One characteristic of a rich person is they play by their
own rules. When is the last time you saw a rich person taking orders
from someone else? Exactly. You're not going to get rich by thinking
within the confines of what someone else tells you to do. People get
rich by taking charge and doing what is best for them and not what makes
someone else money.
So first rule is to think
independently and break free of the mold. Rich people do what they want
to do, when they want to do it. Now don't misunderstand me here. I'm not
saying to quit your job and tell your boss to go to hell. I'm also not
saying to stop listening to others and educate yourself. There is a
difference here. What I'm telling you is the cashier at the store isn't
going to get rich by working his way up to manager. Instead of being the
cashier, you want to be the store owner. If you're the cashier in your
life right now, that's ok. It's a good thing that you're out there
earning money, but now you want to build up from your foundation.
Another traits of rich people is they find a way to get the job done.
Do you see successful people making excuses on why things didn't go
their way? They don't. It's not that they've never had bad luck or a bad
break along the way - they have. But instead of crying a trail of tears
about what went wrong or why something didn't happen, they pick
themselves up and get right back on track. This kin of mindset of
determination is what seperates the rich from the poor. Poor people will
find a way to lose and rich people will find a way to win. It is that
Focus is another integral part of your rich
mindset. Don't expect to become rich if you can't keep your eyes on the
prize. The process of becoming rich is not easy - especially when you're
first getting started. All sorts of obstacles will present themselves
and how well you deal with them will determine whether or not you
succeed. For example, will getting a city permit slow you down? What
about not knowing web design - will this prevent you from building a
website? The obstacles will always be there and they will come in all
fashions and forms. You have to fight through them if you want to be
rich. And this is more than just the obstacles in your plan to get rich.
You have to be focused if you go
through all the obstacles and your
plan still fails. It happens. Can you pick yourself up again and
continue your drive to be rich or will you be stopped?
You also have to change the way you think in terms of time. Rich people
value their time like you wouldn't believe. Poor people don't. You won't
find a rich person just
sitting around being bored. They relax. They
have down time. But they don't waste or "kill" their time. Time is
extremely valuable to rich people so it is very hard for you to get a
piece of it. Once you start to put more value on your time, then you
have taken a big step in becoming rich. Once you stop thinking like a
poor person or average person, you'll find yourself naturally attracted
to successful people. You'll discover a
common thread of thinking and start hanging around with them more.
Poor people grab a seat at the bar, gab about how work sucks, talk
about office drama, drink a bunch of beers, and talk sports until the
cows come home. Rich people may share some of the same indulgences but
it's a far different atmosphere. First, you won't hear them talking
about how the boss sucks or talking about useless trivial things about
who's dating who.
Rich people have powerful meetings
with friends but they aren't going to last the whole day. Rich people
are too important to spend their day in such a concentrated setting with
no diversity. These truths allow us to arrive at the conclusion that
birds of feather flock together. Losers usually end up together and so
do successful people.
Think about it: How often do
you see a millionaire and a factory worker having lunch together?
didn't just call everyone that isn't rich a loser. I'm merely
illustrating how like minded people will align together so don't
misunderstand me. If you're in the rich crowd, you're on the right track
to becoming rich.
An additional mental edge of a rich person is, they're heavy on common sense. You don't have to
a genius to be rich. Actually, an interesting phenomenon is that many
of the richest people aren't brilliant scholars that finished at the top
of their class. Rich people tend to fall in line with being more clever
savvy. This type of "street smart" thinking helps separate making a lot
of money from a little or
losing money. Millionaires are also surprisingly frugal a lot of the time.
Do you ever stop to wonder about how much money you would save if you
didn't buy this or need that? Costs add up and some people become rich
by simply living without certain things other people constantly buy such
as movies, restaurant food, clothes, etc. The last way rich person
thinks differently is how they see risk. Millionaires are not afraid of
risk because they know with greater risks come greater rewards. Regular
people want a security blanket. They covet the government jobs with
benefits and solid pay. Rich people say that's great, but not for me.
Instead of living ok or even comfortably, they want much more even,
creating job opportunities, the rich creates job but the poor looks for job, Donald J. Trump
What did you want out of life? keep the question for
yourself. read my article titled, DEFINITION OF SUCCESS
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